Greetings, Ice & Fire Con 2017 attendees!
In just two days we will be at Mountain Lake to celebrate of A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones with all of you wonderful folks. We absolutely cannot WAIT to meet the new attendees and reunite with our returning friends!
A few important reminders before we all set sail for the East (coast):
Bring state-issued ID to present at registration. License, passport, etc.
Bring CASH. Cards will work at the Mountain Lake bar, but cash is best for vendors, the silent auction, the second IaFCon-exclusive bar, and our mock election.
Make dinner reservations, especially for the Friday night seafood buffet. Call (540)626-7121 x424 between 8 AM and 7 PM EST.
Bring a cooler, especially if you have roommates or are staying in a Southside or Northside lodge room.
Bring rain gear. It’s April, and it will probably at least drizzle at some point this weekend.
Print materials for mock election posters. We will provide basic craft materials and poster board, but if you’d like to include specific images, please plan ahead.

REMEMBER: Pre-convention sign ups for the Tourney of Champions and Costume Contest and Performance end tonight (April 25) at midnight EST. You can find links to those forms on our events page. We will be offering at-con sign ups, but they will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we highly recommend and appreciate online sign ups for both events.
The Board Game Tournament sign ups also end tonight at midnight, and we will NOT be offering at-con sign ups for that, so please fill out this form if you would like to participate!
Take a look at our sponsors page. We could not have done the convention without them.
If you are joining us Thursday night, early registration will be held in the Stone Lodge Lobby from 7-9PM.
We at Saga Event Planning are so excited for the fifth anniversary of Ice & Fire Con. It is by far our biggest year ever and we are overwhelmed by the support of our fans and friends. Email us with any last minute questions you have, and we’ll #SeeYouAtIceAndFireCon!
Tara Lynne, Queen Regent
K-K Bracken, Lord Paramount