Every year for the past four years, Ice & Fire Con has held a mock election for the Iron Throne. Past winners include Hodor, Stannis, Strong Belwas, and the High Sparrow.
At Ice & Fire Con 2017, our mock election will be run in a very different manner. We will still require you to make your poster in person on Friday of the convention, but we are changing the rules for voting.
For the upcoming convention, we decided to go with a Baelish/House Lannister theme…that being, the candidate who has the most money by Saturday night will be the winner of the Ice and Fire Con 2017 mock election. This money will be going to a good cause – every penny raised for the “candidates” you choose will go to one that George R.R. Martin himself supports: the Wild Spirit Wolf Charity. Please feel free to stuff the ballot box to your heart’s content! (looking at you, Faith Militant).
The minimum donation will be $0.25 (twenty-five cents), with the lowest denomination counted toward the total being a quarter…otherwise we worry that our poor volunteers will be counting money long after everyone leaves on Sunday, and don’t you want to know who wins before you leave?
The mock election has always been a fun ongoing part of our convention, and we are excited that it will be evolving into something that is still silly and fun but will also raise some money for a good cause.